Tuesday, October 15, 2013


That's right, I'm planning on transferring to Utah State in January.  Why you may ask? (And even if you don't I'll tell you anyways...)
First off I've looked at transferring there for a while due to major options.  They have majors I'm actually interested in, unlike BYU... So...MY MAJOR: Family, Consumer, and Human Development with an emphasis on Deaf Education.  I'll get a BS (Bachelors of Science) by showing that I know American Sign Language along with all the other requirements required for the major.  I'll start with a pre-program (there's some classes and such that I have to take care of and do before I can be put in the OFFICIAL program). I'm meeting with my academic adviser tomorrow morning at 10 to get a schedule for next semester and hopefully for the rest of my college degree :) My meeting is over the phone since I'm still in Provo but hey haha it works! I'll also figure out how all of my classes I've taken here transfer over and what GE's I have left and all that.  So we shall see we shall see!
Secondly (and MUCH MUCH MUCH more importantly) Bryce goes to school there, so I'll be there with him :) HOW AWESOME IS THAT GOING TO BE!?! I'll see him every single day :) Bout time! I'm done with this distance and weekends only pooey.  Time for the next stage in life :) AND I AM SO EXCITED!

Things are going great :) I couldn't be happier and I am totally and completely in love! We talk all the time, facetime every night and see each other every weekend.  In fact I'll actually be heading up there on Thursday to see him :) I'M PUMPED! I'll be there till Monday morning bright and early where I'll come back to Provo and do 3 midterms-ICK. But hey that's gonna be a little more and 3 and a half days with my man :) So no complaining here! I'll keep ya'll updated once there's more info, don't you worry your pretty little heads ;)

Wellllllllllll what else in life? Shout out to my girl JASMINE WHO IS ENGAGED TO JOSH WEIER! I've actually become pretty close with Josh too so I think that it's super exciting that they are getting married :) SO HAPPY FOR YOU 2!
I'm loving ASL! (Hence the reason my major will be what it is at Utah State)
I'm living life basically stress free!
I'M SO SO SO SO HAPPY EVERY DAY (Thank you to Bryce McRae for making that happen!)
And my next niece is due in NOVEMBER! So excited to meet this little angel :) I LOVE MY NIECES AND NEPHEWS and I LOVE BEING AN AUNT!

Sorry for all the caps and exclamation points, Can you tell I'm happy and excited? ;)


Friday, July 12, 2013

The Big Catch Up

Okay okay I know, I haven't written in forever...Like at all this summer! But let me tell you why.  I have been so incredibly busy, it's crazy! Quick update for those of you who don't know..I'm working at my parents art gallery this summer, NickMichaels.  I absolutely LOVE my job! I love knowing about art, I love knowing about artists, I love telling people about it! I just absolutely love it! Second of all, I have been spending all summer with a great guy, Bryce McRae.  He is from Southern California and goes to school at Utah State University which is like 2 hours from BYU, where I go.  He just turned 24 and is up here driving buses for HAPA this summer.  He was also here last summer but both of us were dating other people.  Other than spending time with him I have been spending lots of time with my family (most of which he is there for as well.  Lexi, Kaytlin, Addie, and Kristin have been out of town for 3 weeks but they get back tomorrow and I am so excited to see them! I've missed them so much! And I'm sure my brother John has missed them even more considering it's his family.  But anyways... THEY GET BACK TOMORROW.  I don't really know what else to say but I made it a goal to blog today so here it is.  I'll try to write a little more but no guarantees....Today is just a day off in which I have nothing specific to do other than my list I made last night right before falling asleep:
Balance Checkbook
Clean up
Email/Write missionaries
Do toenails
Whiten Teeth
Touch up eyebrows
Find a cute outfit
Super intense I know. That's my list.  We'll see how much I actually get done...Haha good luck to me!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Headed Home

I'm sitting in the Seattle Airport right now.  I have lots going through my mind right now and very little at the same time.  Not sure if that makes sense but that about describes how I feel right now! I really already miss my roommates and friends and feel like I'll be coming back again in 3 weeks to them like I did over Christmas.  But, it's different this time.  I know that I'm not coming back to hardly any of them.  I said my goodbyes last night and this morning and it still just feels so bizarre.  I think it's still sinking in, but I don't think I like the feeling very much.
Freshman year was everything I was expecting and everything I wasn't, all at the same time.  I made some incredible friends, some of the best I've ever had.  And they've all touched my life in ways I can't even begin to explain or help others explain.  All I know is that I don't have regrets about this year.  And I'm so glad that the people I met were put in my life.
On my way to the airport my grandma and I were talking about my first year of school.  She told me that I've grown up and matured a lot sine I came to college.  I guess I hadn't thought about it much until she said that. I feel like the same me I've been all along, but at the same time I can see exactly what she means.  I've changed some this year.  Or perhaps a better word is I've grown and expanded my view and ideals on life.  And I absolutely love it.
This school year I learned how to snowboard, learned to try new foods, learned to get along with people you don't know, made awesome friends that were girls, started to blog and journal, indexed names for the first time ever, lived on my own, paid for my expenses, got a job for next fall on my own!, dyed my hair dark brown, and became closer with my family.  Those are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head in the small amount of time I paused to reflect.  Boy do I have a lot to be grateful for!
As far as my fall/winter job down at school.... I emailed my interior design professor asking her if she was looking for a TA.  Unfortunately she will not be returning to BYU this year, but she referred me to another teacher who will be teaching the same class.  I got the text as soon as I landed in Seattle that she would like me to be her TA! Yay! Now to just work out the details and not stress about finding a job during the summer or when I come back because I'll already have one.  That is a huge sigh of relief, let me tell you!
Well, there's less than an hour till I'm supposed to board now and I think I might start reading the book that Mom gave me to read on my way home.  I spent the whole last flight rearranging and organizing my Itunes (it was in a lot of need for some help haha) and then I got some food in the airport for lunch.
Ketchikan in just over 3 hours! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Last Few Days

As time winds down and I get closer and closer to going home I'm getting more and more moody.  I'm not particularly stressed about any of my finals.  I have quite a bit of studying to do but it shouldn't be too bad.  I'm not too worried about packing since I'm mostly done now.  But I'm getting really moody, especially towards the people I care most about. So, I apologize.
There's not a reason, not an excuse and it's not nice or fair of me to do at all. Hopefully it'll get better, I'm trying so please don't hate me.
On that note...I finished classes today.  The next 2 days are study days and then I'll take finals on Friday, Saturday, and Monday and then leave on Tuesday.  Time can't go by fast enough, but at the same time it's really sad that I'm leaving so soon.
A unique thing about living with freshman only at BYU is that almost all of them are going on missions this next year.  So, when I come back almost all of my friends will be gone.  Thankfully I'm living with 2 of my very best friends again in fall and winter, along with a girl in our current ward that's awesome :) I think if I didn't get to see Jasmine and Beth again and live with them again that I'd be having a nervous breakdown.(Yes even more so than I apparently seem to be having...) So I just have a few things to say about some of the people I've gotten closest to this year.

Jasmine: You always know what to say, even when I don't wanna hear it.  You always tell me what's on your mind and I know I can always tell you anything and everything.  We have so much in common and I know I can always count on you.

Beth: You know me a lot better than most people do.  You put up with all of my crap and I really appreciate it :) I love that we can talk about anything and not be judged for it.  I love our random urges to go do things and that you're always up for an adventure!

Megan: I'm really glad that you were my roommate this year, even if I'm not always the best at expressing it. You're always an example to me and you make me want to be better.  I know you're gonna be a great missionary and England will love you!

Sarah: You are always always always happy and loving and kind and full of service.  I don't know how you do it but I'm really glad you were in our room this year.  You've taught me quite a few things and I love how you're always willing to joke around.  Good look on the mish :) You'll be awesome in Cali!

Kristen: You are a huge example to me of loving others.  I don't know how you can be so patient and so full of love, but I absolutely love that you are.  Even though you aren't living with us next year, I hope that we'll still see lots of you and hang out!

Cam: You are always there to listen to me and just talk when I need to, even if it's at midnight and I wanna go shoot basketball hoops.  I've never seen you be mean or rude or impatient with anyone before, in fact I don't even think it's possible! I'm really going to miss you next year. Good luck in Guam on your mission!!!

Josh: You sir are incredible.  You know how to brighten up even the crappiest of days.  You eat food with me and listen to my stupidty and you're still my friend.  I'll never forget that you're always willing to talk, even if it's 3 in the morning.  Canada is lucky to have you going on a mission there :)

Grant: Where do I even start? You've been one of my good friends since day 1 of college when we sat out in the hall till curfew listening to music and looking up videos.  You give amazing hugs and always make me feel special and loved.  I'm really gonna miss you, good luck in DC on your mission!

Mary: I love that you're not just our RA, you're our friend too.  I'm glad we can always talk to each other and vent and still have fun :) I'm gonna miss you just swiping yourself into the room and hanging out with us.  You made Freshman year so much better! I hope you love your mission in Alabama :)

Prince Eric: I love that you're okay with us calling you Prince Eric.  You are so nice and so smart and I love that you are always willing to help me with American Heritage, and I'm sure you would with any other subject too.  You've been a great example to me and I'm glad we're friends. Good luck in Spain on the mish!

Tanner Y: I think it's pretty awesome that our parents were friends and we didn't even know that till after we became friends.  I love that you're always in a good mood and that you always say hi to me when you see me on campus.  Hope you love your mission and Cambodia!

I wish I could go on about everyone I've met here but I just don't have time unfortunately! Thanks to everyone who made Freshman year so great :) I love you all! And I hope I'll see you all again some day :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Summer Time Means Time To Go Home!

My first year of college has almost come to an end.  And you know what that means, I'M COMING HOME! In 12 days to be exact :) And I cannot wait! I finished the rest of my homework for the semester tonight, minus a writeup for the Ballroom Showcase I'm going to on Saturday.  Plus, I've been working on interior design flashcards for my final already and I'm almost done with those! Then I'll just need to make flashcards for Human Development and American Heritage.  Oh and that's right, study all of them after I spend hours making them! Study for BOM 122 and for ASL 102. Tomorrow I have 1 class and it's my last Friday of classes! Then Monday and Tuesday I have classes and then there's reading/study days on Wednesday and Thursday.  Finals start Friday! I'm planning on taking all of my finals on those 2 days except ASL because it's scheduled for Monday from 2-3.  I've already started to pack up the stuff I'm not taking home for the summer and this girl is so ready to come home it's not even funny.  Why you ask?
1. I miss the ocean
2. I miss my adorable little nieces Lexi, Kaytlin, and Addie
3. I miss Logan Collins, Zoe Smith, and Brianna McLaughlin (even though I'll only see Bri for 2 days)
4. I need to make money so I can keep affording to go to school
5. I'm ready for a break from school
6. I wanna fish and hike and swim and spend time outdoors
7. I just want to
Those are just a couple of the reasons why I'm so ready to go home and NOW rather than later.  And a few goals/bucket list items for this summer.  I'm not sure if they'll happen but I think it'd be fun and I want to!
1. Learn how to skateboard/ripstick and learn a few basic tricks
2. Swim where the water glows at night when you touch it
3. Hike Deer Mountain
4. Go camping (I never have in Ketchikan except survival trips in 7th/8th grade)
5. Actually workout (since that hasn't happened at school at all!)
6. Watch less TV
7. Try new foods (I'm sure this will happen since it did last summer and ever since!)
8. Soak up the sun whenever it's sunny and I'm off work-GET A TAN 
9. Go star gazing (Can't really see the stars here)
10. Make a real bucket list :p
Well that's about it for now.  I should get back to getting a head start on studying for finals and such.  Oh and P.S. I'm dying my hair tomorrow! A little darker brown than the last time, looks like the blonde really is gone for me for now at least.  
Till next time :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Car Crash

Well, I got my confirmation from Liberty Square and we went and payed our deposits and last months rent.  I have a place to live! Excitement and some stress gone!
Also I started going to the Chiropractor on Tuesday since my neck was feeling a bit out of sorts.  Turns out my right hip was a couple inches above my left.  He thinks it's probably from when I fell 8 feet out of a basket toss in cheer my sophomore year and landed in a sitting position.  I went to the E.R. when it happened but I've never done anything else since.  I went again on Friday and it felt wonderful.  I have another appointment scheduled too :) Feeling a lot better!
On Saturday we went to Soldiers Hollow for a ward sledding activity.  It was a blast! There's even a lift so that you can be lazy and stay sitting in your tube and it drags you to the top of the hill.  Then there's 6 lanes going down and there's jumps and everything.  It was awesome! The most we ever went down with at a time was 10, and it was a blast! We had hot chocolate and donuts after and then set out on our way home.
There were a lot of deer and one ran out in the middle of the road causing my roommate Beth to slam on her breaks to not hit it.  Then another girl in our ward, Kate, ran into us from behind.  I was sitting on Mary and got some lovely whiplash as did Mary.  Beth hit her head pretty good and we were all kind of shooken up.  Our FHE brothers Alec, Cam, and Tanner were all with us.  Some boys in the ward pulled over and I ended up going the rest of the way home with them.  My back and neck (after feeling awesome from the chiropractor) felt absolutely horrendous.  Russell and Erika came to see me and Russell played the role of a doctor making sure I was okay.  He sent me upstairs to my dorm to heat my back and go to sleep.  Beth ended up going to the hospital to check to see if she had a concussion since she had a nasty headache.  3 of my roommates; Megan, Kristen, and Sarah, went with her.  They left at midnight and got home a little bit after 3.
I was pretty sore when I woke up but I went to church where I painfully sat on chairs for 3 hours.  At break the fast, our Relief Society adviser brought us the equivalent of icy hot and rubbed it on our necks and then gave us the tube.  Russell stretched out my neck at grandmas and today I'm still pretty sore, but feeling better.  I'm hoping that the chiropractor can help fix the remainder of my discomfort when I go later this week.
Mom and Dad get to Utah Friday night! Also on Friday I have my last scheduled intramural soccer game as well as Preference.  I asked our friend Eric Holt, who we call Prince Eric.  He answered with a picture collage outside my door.  It said
And then had a picture of a sun, rain, snow, and a flower.  On the back the of the flower it said
"Sunshine, rain, or snow, I'd love it if we could go!"
Megan is going with Josh, Jasmine is going with Grant, Kristen is going with Ash, and Beth is going with Jacob.  Grant is tap dancing in a vocal point performance that night so Jasmine will go watch it and they'll be late.  Also, I have a soccer game so I'm hoping that Prince Eric will be okay with me being a little late as well...Maybe the others will decide to come watch either me or Grant.  Luckily the dance is casual so it will be okay that I can just change into different clothes and hopefully not smell too bad!
Also this week I have a 7 page paper for Human Development called my Adolescence paper.  I write about 2 experiences  6 domains and 24 outcomes.  Should be fun! Also I have another Interior Design Midterm this week and I already have more than 250 flash cards to study, not to mention the sketches in my book.  So much fun ;)
Well I better run now, till next time :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Almost March!

Okay so I know it's been a really long time since I wrote...I've been getting worse and worse at this whole blog business! Which is bad considering this is how I've chosen to journal...
But anyways... :) This semester has been flying by! I got my plane ticket home, April 23! Which means I will make it home for Lexi and Kaytlin's birthdays! :) Yay!!!I can't wait to see those 2 and their little sister Addie and my brother and sister in law!
Mom and Dad are coming down to visit next week so I get to see them again which makes me happy.  Also, Jenny was accepted to BYU as a transfer student.  She's currently deciding what she wants to do, and I know that she'll make the right decision for her no matter what :) My sister can do anything, I'm so proud of her! She's such an example and inspiration to me.
I went to the chiropractor for the first time ever on Tuesday and boy is my back messed up! And my neck too but it's all kind of on the same line ;) My right hip is a couple of inches higher than my left and he assumes it's from my fall in cheerleading my sophomore year! Crazy! So he readjusted that and popped the part of my back that I've been trying to get my dad to be able to pop since about my sophomore year but it never will.  And it felt GLORIOUS.  Then he popped my middle and upper back.  Next he took a look at my neck (which was the whole reason for the visit).  It was out of line in a few places and so he readjusted it which felt wonderful as well.  Then I got to use a roller bed as well as this heating pack and little thing that shocked the muscles in my back.  It was all really cool and felt awesome! But then I was really sore all last night and this morning.  He told me I need to come back 2 or 3 times in the near future so my next appointment is on Friday.  Crossing my fingers that it keeps feeling better and that I don't get as sore!
Also, we applied to live at Liberty Square Apartments.  So far the other 3 girls that I'm planning to room with have gotten notification emails that they've been accepted and what bed they have in our apartment.  I'm the only one that hasn't so I'm a little nervous but they're supposed to let me know by Friday. I'm really nervous and hopeful all at once! I kind of assume I'll get in since we requested as a group but I guess only time will tell.  I keep checking my inbox just waiting for my email!
And one more tid bit of awesome news! I took my BOM midterm today and got a 97 percent! I've never done that awesome on any test at BYU so I was really happy! Especially because I only missed one question and it only took me 10 minutes.  Guess I finally found a good way to study and understood everything this time around :)  Good boost to my grade which is much needed and appreciated! Yay for good parts to the day!
Well that's about all I can think of to write right now but I will try to be better and keep everyone updated more often! But not guarantees, I'm a busy college student!  Hope you're all having a wonderful day :)